Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Chapter 10: My Two cents..

This is going to be my last blog. 
I thought for this blog I would give my final remarks for Breast cancer and genetic testing. 
As I’ve mentioned in my blogs, breast cancer is a genetic disease that is located in the mammary glands. It is the uncontrolled growth and division there that has the capabilities to spread, and metastasize to other parts of the body.
Because Breast cancer is a genetic disorder, it is possible to get the genetic testing done to see if you have mutations in the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes.
You should only get it done if you have a familial history of breast or ovarian cancer (ovarian cancer is caused by the same mutation). You should also talk to your doctor and a geneticist to see what is best for you. Making the decision to get the genetic testing done should not be made by yourself, the proper guidance and counseling is important. I can’t stress that enough.  Often times many medical tests and screenings are done without the proper counseling. This should not fall into that category as well.
If you were to choose to get the genetic test done, what is even more important is the decision that is made after. If your test comes back with positive results for mutations in your BRCA 1 and BRCA 2, once again counseling is important before making the decision to either get the surgery, or not to get the surgery.

What I have really learned throughout this entire blog is the importance of the trust between a patient and their primary care physician as well as the importance of any and all health care professionals’ capabilities to communicate with their patients. With the proper training, they can help their patients come to right decision, and equip with them with all the tools necessary to prevent, and face diseases as debilitating as breast cancer. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Chapter 9: Discovering a New frontier in Breast Cancer Detection!

The Today Show not too long ago, and I saw a segment that they had for some of the newest advancements in medicine.
On the show, There were two guest doctors on the show talking about this new way to detect for breast cancer

Here is the link:

Feel free to watch the clip!

SO you heard them. They can now detect for breast cancer with a simple blood test. It seemed a little hard to believe, so I decided to do some independent research.

And Golly Gee, were they right!

I found out that through a simple blood test, that it is a new way to detect for breast cancer. There are certain markers that are found in your blood that would indicate the development of breast cancer.
These markers are actually proteins that would be circulating your

Here is a list of the markers that your doctor may test for:
  • CA 15.3:  this marker is used to find breast, as well as ovarian cancers
  • TRU-QUANT and CA 27.29:  this markers checks for the presence of breast cancer
  • CA125:  this marker is used to test for ovarian cancer and its recurrence, as well as the recurrence of breast cancer
  • CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen): a marker for the presence of colon, lung, and liver cancers. This marker may be used to see if the breast cancer has metastasized to other parts of the body.
  • Circulating tumor cells: this marker is actually checking for tumor cells. These tumor cells are cell that broke off from the cancer and are actually circulating through your blood stream.  This marker is used more quantitatively. Meaning, that the higher the count, the more likely the cancer is growing, and metastasizing, which is something that you don’t want.

Because this a very new breakthrough, it has yet to be proven fully successful. Also, before considering to take this test, please talk to your doctor to find out which form of detection is best for you.
