Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Chapter 3: Ignorance is NOT Strength

For the past few weeks, we have been focusing on more of the theoretical portion of genetic testing, and I thought it would be a good idea to change gears and look at (and critique)  an article that focuses on the controversy on whether women should or should not get genetic testing for breast cancer.

Here is the link for the article:

Summary of  "Breast Cancer Gene Tests  Won't Help Most Women"
The article focuses on a study conducted by the U.S. Preventative Task force. It states that there is virtually no benefit for women who get genetic testing for  BRCA 1&2 who do  not  have a family history of  breast cancer. They later state that only women who have a family history of breast cancer should get the genetic testing for breast cancer done.

Oh, boy... where do we begin. Well let's start at the beginning. A title like, "Breast Cancer Gene Tests Won't Help Most Women" is quite the statement. With there still being so much on-going research about genetic testing (in general), it is too much of a bold and vague statement to be made. Just stating that most women won't need genetic testing without any information is not helpful. It is extremely misleading to the public.

Next, genetic testing for BRCA 1& 2 isn't offered to women unless they have a family history of breast cancer.  While, I agree that women who do not have a history of breast cancer should not get the genetic testing done, the wordiness of the article (although very short), it is extremely confusing for anyone to read. 
I am one of those people who is very detail oriented, and even if the information that is presented is actually accurate, the WAY the information is presented to makes more of a difference.

News articles like this are the reason why there is a lot mis-communication between the world of science and the general public. The information that is given is usually watered down, or exaggerated and not explained.

Some details about the study and test the this "task force" conducted would have been nice. A title that did not just let the reader assume things without actually reading the article would have also been nice.

So, next time you read a publication in the science or health section, make sure your keep your eyes open for unclear and misleading statements. Ask yourself questions like, " does this make sense?' or "how can they prove this?' Often times, this media publications write articles like this to conjure up a dramatic response instead of one that is actually there to notify, and empower the public with the right facts to make informed decisions about their lives. Knowledge is Power!!



  1. I really know what you are saying here. It is always so scary when you see things in the news that could be misinterpreted. Great chapter.

  2. Merna, I agree that the title “Breast Cancer Gene Tests Won't Help Most Women" is very misleading. It’s quite unfortunate how news organizations tend to distort scientific research so as to make it more ‘appealing’ to the masses. Your critical analysis is backed with evidence and you've shared something that is not obvious to the untrained reader. Cool picture by the way. Keep it up.

  3. First I want to say I love that brain picture. Second you gave great evidence in proving your point. I agree, the tittle is very misleading. Just like the media, they are trying to gain people's attention. Great piece!

  4. The authors of the article you critiqued are definitely in need of taking courses in genetics, molecular biology, and public health. This article is an example of the kind of ideas media throws out at the public without evidence and mostly based on some journalist scientific fantasy. I hope the public understand that even though a history of cancer in the family predispose the person to develop cancer - those with no family history of cancer are not absolved from getting medical exams and checks because both environment and genetics contribute to the development of cancer. Good job, keep up the great work!!
